- Co-create a conscious and heart-based paradigm; the emergent
Global Culture of Peace.
- Foster elements for transmuting and transcending individual egoic patterns, enabling
expansion to collaborative, visionary, and sustainable social action.
- Instill the revelation that “everything is connected to everything else." ~ Thomas Berry
- Revel in the realization that we, as sentient beings of light, are free and fully capable at this
very moment in time to co-create a universal reality of Truth, Love, Mindfulness, Gratitude, and
Compassion, inspired by the evolutionary impulse and fields of Love.
“We are gathered here together as a deep communion of pioneering souls from every race, nation and religion who experience within ourselves the emergence of a Universal Human, a co-creator of new worlds.” ~ BMH
“We are called to be architects of the future..." ~ R. Buckminster Fuller
- A transformed and conscious humanity inspired by the "emergent global culture of peace"
- A world in which one’s essence is a beacon of inspiration and empowerment
- Conscious pioneering communities
- Free, peaceful, healthy, just, collaborative, sustainable/regenerative communities and world
where we all thrive in harmony.
Co-Create the new paradigm by:
- Map, track, and connect what is working, evolutionary, and emergent in the hub and twelve
- Facilitate the development of evolutionary hubs.
- Facilitate and host Conscious Evolution Circles to evolve our consciousness and foster a resonant
field of individual and collective peace and mindfulness.
- Foster building on new and innovative ways that are working in the world, dreaming
possibilities, and allowing for and developing what is emergent.
- Foster innovative, healthy, and sustainable systems among individuals, organizations, businesses,
and communities.
- Initiate outreach for evolutionary social action, using Whole Systems Design.
- Co-create, facilitate, and host collaborative gatherings, events, and celebrations
(educational and experiential) that showcase golden innovations; what is working,
evolutionary, and emergent.
2. Promoting and fostering paths of:
- personal and community transformation, integration, and conscious evolution;
- regenerative ecological living; and
- co-creating the world we know in our hearts is possible, a free, peaceful, healthy, just,
collaborative, sustainable/regenerative world where we all thrive in harmony.
3. Fostering individual and collective presencing, awareness beyond thinking, allowing for an
evolutionary impulse, a universal consciousness, to inspire us into "awakened doing".
"Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order."
- Noble Laureate, Ilya Prigogine